Квести на адену Lineage 2

Квести на адену

Назва квесту Початок Стартовий НПЦ LvL
Catch the Wind Elven Village Rizraell 18+
Black Swan Heine Captain Gosta 32+
Alligator Hunter Heine Enverun 40+
Warehouse Keeper's Ambition Hunters Village Warehouse Keeper Silva 47+
Seductive Whispers Town of Aden Blacksmith Wilbert 50+
Heart in Search of Power Valley of Saints Mysterious Necromancer 60+
Necromancer's Request Forest of the Dead Mysterious Wizard 63+
Defeat the Elrokian Raiders Primeval Isle Dinn 75+
Meeting the Elroki Primeval Isle Marquez 75+
Elrokian Hunter's Proof Primeval Isle Marquez 75+